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Employee Spotlight - Tom Abraham

Employee Spotlight - Tom Abraham

Why did you join Clear Rate?

I wanted to be part of a team “Made in Michigan” and focused on delivering productivity solutions that give our Michigan business clients a competitive edge. 

What's your favorite part of your job?

Working collaboratively with my fellow employees, our customers and our prospects. 

Who inspires you and why?

Those who extend themselves to help others-because what could be more inspiring?

What advice would you give someone in your field and has accomplished what you have?

Be aware that things change rapidly and invest your time and energy in applying the same effort to adapt to change as you did to be successful in the past. In other words: “Don’t rest on your laurels.”

What's one thing - industry-related or not - you learned in the last month?

How to program my new refrigerator!

Now tell us some fun facts about you? Your hobbies, interests etc?

I love sports!  Especially hockey and the Red Wings!  I am out on the ice every week.